@Gochipme Home of the NFC Bitcoin Wallet Chip & Implant

Bitcoin Wallet Chip

NFC Implant

Bitcoin Implant

Alt Coin Wallet Chip



  • Hold/share cryptocurrency on your own encrypted chip!
  • Store and sweep your BTC wallet with a quick swipe!
  • Convenient cold storage hardware wallet for your private keys!
  • The perfect way to gift Bitcoin & other Cryptocurrencies!
  • NFC Wallet Implants and Wallet Chips can be configured with 50+ different functions via Android & Windows!

Our NFC Implants and chips are passive meaning they are powered by the reading devices only when within a few millimetres, our chips cannot be used or hacked to track people, for extra security we recommend when in cold storage bitcoin wallet chips are kept in the supplied faraday bag with bip38 encryption on private keys with another copy kept elsewhere in case of loss of the chip.