GoChipMe Wallet Chip/Implant Wallet Set Up Guide
To use your chip wallet for small amounts of Bitcoin the easiest way to do it is using the BitNFC app for Android, for alt coins chips or encryption/password protection options follow the steps below to create your digital paper wallet.
If you don't have any Bitcoin to put on your chip yet you can buy some on Coinbase.com (Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin) other cryptocurrencies can be bought on Binance.com
To store your cryptocurrency on your chip wallet you need to write your keys onto the chip we recommend NFC Tools for Android or Gototags app for windows. Using the ''add text record function'' write the keys onto the chip, in the interests of security this should be done from an offline device with adequate antivirus software, eg. see sample keys below
This method can also be used to store 2FA codes for exchanges and recovery phrases for other hardware wallets.
If you want to make a new wallet for your chip or implant this can be done with the generator below.
Some users decided to put their public key on one chip and their private key on another, some users split keys across a number of chips, there are many many configuration and encryption options, its important remember to keep any chips with unencrypted private keys in the supplied faraday bag in a secure location(a raw private key is all a thief would need to steal your funds).
Always remember to keep a back up of your keys! this way if you lose/damage/destroy your wallet chip you can recover your funds.
If you would like to add a password/encryption please move on to the steps below.
How to BIP38 Encrypt my private key for cold storage on my wallet chip or implant
How to convert my non-encrypted wallet/private key to use BIP38? Bitcoin/Litecoin
You can make a new one or use an existing private key and produce a new BIP38-protected version of the same key in just a few steps,
First, you need to Launch the generator, preferably using your own copy downloaded from GitHub while on a secure offline device. You may skip the random mouse movement step if you're using an existing wallet private key or generate a new one here.
- Click on the Validate tab
- Click the validate button
- Next click ''Use these details to print a paper wallet''
- Click the checkbox for BIP38 Encrypt, supply your passphrase, and click ''Turn on BIP38 encryption''
- Now you have your encrypted private key next we need to load it onto our Wallet chip or implant, to do this we recommend using the NFC Tools app on Android or Gototags app on windows from an offline secure device
- Write a Text record onto the chip containing the encrypted keys eg. see sample keys below
Encrypted Key:6PRTvtVz6QJC4LEzKJJdK3tGDPyynhyaW2Mc4TkKQgoos9k4q3KYdZocdp
Better passphrase = better encryption! remember its impossible to recover your BIP38 wallet without the passphrase! make sure you don't forget it!
Support for BIP44/BIP32/BIP39 mnemonic coming soon, for now, this generator is available iancoleman.io/bip39/ once generated keys can be added in the same way as above.
Ethereum/ERC20 Tokens:
Follow the steps on myetherwallet.com Once you have your encrypted private key next, we need to load it onto our Wallet chip, to do this we recommend using the NFC Tools app on Android or Gototags app on windows on an offline secure device.
Write a Text record onto the chip containing the encrypted keys.
Well done you're almost done!
How to add coins to your wallet
To start using your wallet chip to store coins we need to send some currency to your wallet's public key/address,
WARNING: Before sending any funds to a BIP38-encrypted wallet, we recommend testing you are able to decrypt your private key to be 100% sure you have your passphrase correct.
Open your live wallet software (e.g. Mycelium,Coinomi Bread etc) or web wallet (e.g. blockchain.info, coinbase.com) or any exchange and send funds to the public key/address shown on your wallet chip.
To view the progress of your transaction or the balance on your wallet chip go to blockchain.info and search in your public key.
How To withdraw/sweep you wallet chip/implant
To sweep/withdraw your wallet you do it in the same way you would with any paper wallet, simply enter the private key into a Bitcoin wallet application (e.g. Mycelium, Coinomi, Bread etc) or online services like blockchain.info or coinbase.com
You should expect to withdraw the entire balance of the wallet by importing it (or "sweeping" it). This transfers all the coins from your wallet chip over to the service used.
Sweeping BIP38 encrypted wallets
If the wallet application or web service you use is unable to directly import password-protected private keys you can use the generator you used to encrypt to extract the unencrypted Wallet Import Format (WIF) key in order to sweep the chip.
*Warning always keep backups of your keys just in case you lose your chip, that way you can always recover your coins*